Laundry Room

DIY Wallpaper Home Office Peg Board


DIY Wallpaper Home Office Peg board

Sometimes you just gotta organize a bunch of crap and there aren’t a lot of pretty ways of doing it.

Or maybe a worldwide pandemic happened and you find yourself home schooling and you’re not sure where to put all the art supplies.

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Maybe you decided to wallpaper a laundry room and you realize that your kids craft desk being in said laundry room is gonna ruin that really amazing wallpaper you just put up and you have to figure out a way to protect it. (hypothetically speaking, of course)

Maybe you just have some leftover wallpaper and are looking for a project to use it up. 

Or maybe all four as in our case. 

We have this great counterspace/desk area in our laundry room that our oldest uses as her personal craft studio.  Originally it was going to be my desk….guess where I’m not working?  The laundry room. 

I just can’t compete with the stacks of coloring books and piles of glitter glue. 


Ikea to the rescue! I came across the Skardis Pegboard online at Ikea…And thought “self, I could wallpaper that pegboard and make it real pretty”.   So that’s what myself and I did. 

It’s super cheap and super easy. 

Buy however many Skardis pegboards you need (we used 5 panels of the 14”x22”).  Figure out what accessories you want for pegboards.  (they come in white and black which is handy).

Figure out where you want the accessory baskets and clips before you attach wallpaper. 

Trace the outline of the pegboard on the back of the wallpaper.   If you want your wallpaper to line up in a certain fashion, then figure that out when you’re tracing and BEFORE you cut…always before you cut. 

I didn’t care if mine matched up perfectly, but I wanted to make sure there was a yellow bird on each board.

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I then sprayed the front of the pegboard and the back of the wallpaper with elmers adhesive spray and stuck it on there. 

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Now you can attach pegboard to wall following directions Ikea gives.  Then punch holes in the places you want to hang the accessory pieces (this is why you figure out where you want them first, so you don’t ruin your pretty wallpaper job with needless holes).

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Voila! You’ve got yourself a pretty place to organize a bunch of crap!  This could work on a normal pegboard material too- but then you don’t have the pretty accessories for storage from ikea.